Freeze Frenzy Snapchat Game

The Context
KFC was one of the first brands to launch a Snapchat Game, further focusing on how to engage with younger audiences in the place they were (at the time) spending their time most; Snapchat - additionally, in a format that they engage with most; gaming.

The Work:
The game titled ‘Freeze Frenzy’ was the first of its kind in Australia (2017), and was created to help launch the freeze drink product for KFC.

The game saw players attempt to serve as many customers as possible with the six drink options available in 60 seconds and offers a time-freeze mode when KFC’s freeze drinks are served. This tapped into a gaming format known to this audience; simple enough to be inclusive and addictive.

A Snapchat filter was then served as a reward for playing the game, along with product offers.


The Results

  • The game delivered 3,260,798 impressions, with a unique reach of 1,400,500, and achieved an average swipe up rate of 8.19%, exceeding the benchmark of ~5%. The standout result was from the Discover placement, which achieved an average swipe up rate of 14.43%.

  • Players spent 79.78 seconds on average engaging with the game. That’s nearly 80 seconds spent exclusively with the KFC brand.

  • The Snapchat filter was unlocked 104,277 times, resulting in 251,370 views of the KFC Freeze product beyond the game. The filter achieved a conversion rate of 34.94%, more than triple the Snapchat benchmark of 10%.

  • During the week the game featured in KFC’s eDM and Xpress app, usage of the app increased by 52.3%. This led to a 24% uplift in sales via the app over the previous week.

The Role I Played:
In this, I led the team from a strategic and social creative point of view during ideation creation.
